Learn a few reasons why WFCO’s Third Annual Lobby Day is an opportunity you don’t want to miss from WFCO programs coordinator, Mariana Diaz.
WFCO renewed funding for a third year for the 23 grantees that make up its WAGES (Women Achieving Greater Economic Security) cohort.
Please contact your representative today and help WFCO bolster the early care and education (ECE) workforce, because we all depend on someone who depends on affordable, accessible, and high-quality child care.
WFCO works with our partners to improve Colorado’s tax and budget policies to allow for sufficient resources to be dedicated to improving economic security for Colorado women and their families.
In July, we announced a statewide plan to grow our statewide network of advocates for women and families. What a great few months it’s been!
The Women’s Foundation believes Prop CC is good for Colorado women and their families.
This speech was delivered by WFCO President & CEO, Lauren Y. Casteel, from the State Capitol on August 26, 2019, Women’s Equality Day.
Our WAGES grantee partners report steady progress toward employment gains and educational goals among their participants after one year.
The 2019 Colorado Legislative Session will be remembered for the traction made for women in the workplace.
Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act will be heard in the senate on February 20. Tell your legislators to stand up for equal pay!
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