Adrianette gained self-worth and is on the path to economic self-sufficiency through job training offered by CHIC Denver.
During this season of gratitude, our staff shares why we’re thankful, today and everyday of the year, to be part of WFCO.
While Marcela is learning and growing at community college, her daughter is learning and growing at high-quality child care.
The Women’s Foundation of Colorado in partnership with Impact Finance Center announces a call for Colorado women social ventures.
In July, we announced a statewide plan to grow our statewide network of advocates for women and families. What a great few months it’s been!
We look in the rearview mirror at Fiscal Year 2018-19 with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment.
The Women’s Foundation believes Prop CC is good for Colorado women and their families.
Our 2019 Dottie Lamm Award winner is Ananda Birungi of Thornton. Read her speech from our 2019 Annual Luncheon.
Kenneth Ho decided it was the right move for his family to open a donor-advised fund at WFCO.
We don’t have to – and shouldn’t – wait for a breaking story or viral campaign to make a difference for women and girls. Consistent, sustained giving not only addresses the most critical needs of today, it’s an investment in systemic change for our future.
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