Guest blog: Through the Women & Girls of Color Fund Advisory Council, I’ve had moving and impactful moments, as well as times of struggle, navigating the liminality between what is and what could be.
Three women-led social ventures will receive investment funding from WFCO’s Women’s Impact Investing Giving Circle (WIIGC) totaling $125,000.
WFCO lobbyist Jennifer Miles summed up the 2021 Colorado General Assembly with one thought: “This was quite a session.”
WFCO announces WINcome, a new grantmaking program that promotes gender, racial, and economic equity through flexible and holistic resources such as cash assistance.
Guest blog: We cannot expect Black women and women of color to navigate the path to racial equity alone.
This Mother’s day, all of us at The Women’s Foundation of Colorado honor, appreciate, and recognize all mothers – and those who play the role of mothers, caretakers, and guardians – and all their superpowers.
We recently sat down with Clayton Early Learning to dive deeper into the issues facing the early care and education sector in Colorado.
With only weeks to go in Colorado’s 2021 legislative session, WFCO anticipates a frenzy of activity and opportunities to advocate for Colorado women.
Black women and women of color cannot carry the burden of transformation alone.
Guest Blog: The Free Lifetime Education Initiative for Black Coloradans would help achieve sustainable racial and economic equity.
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