Tell Your Senator: Support Child Care
Tell Your Senator to Support Investment in Child Care for Working Colorado Families
Last week, we asked for your help to advocate for equal pay and thanks to you House Bill 18-1378, the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, passed the House Finance Committee. Today, we need you again. The Senate Finance Committee will consider House Bill 18-1004 Continue Child Care Contribution Tax Credit on Thursday, Apr. 26. Access to high-quality, affordable child care is essential to economic security for Colorado women and their families. Please contact your senator today to request their support for continued investment in child care in our state. Investing in women and their families is investing in Colorado’s economy!
Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit (CCTC) background:
- This innovative tax credit was created in 1998 to incentivize philanthropic investment in the child care sector and is available to tax payers who contribute to child care, foster care, youth shelters, residential treatment centers, before and after-school programming, and grant programs to help families afford child care outside of school hours.
- More than 6,000 organizations throughout Colorado are eligible to receive contributions that qualify for the CCTC
- More than 21,000 taxpayers supported child care and youth-serving organizations last year with contributions that qualified for the CCTC
- This bill will continue the tax credit for five years to help maintain philanthropic support for these vital programs.
- The Colorado House of Representatives already passed the bill, now it is in the Senate for their consideration.
How CCTC helps Colorado women achieve economic security:
- Child care access and affordability are some of the most significant barriers for women with children to work
- CCTC improves child care access and affordability throughout Colorado by encouraging taxpayers to invest in the sector. More women can support themselves and their families when they can ensure their children are well cared for while they work.
- Investments in child care strengthen our whole economy – every dollar spent in the child care and early education sector, $2.25 are contributed to the state economy.
“Donor support is integral to our program helping teen moms and their children on the road to success. CCTC donations strengthen our program, including building space for additional early childhood education spots.” – Florence Crittenton Services, WFCO grantee
Action needed:
- Contact your senator today, especially if they serve on the Senate Finance Committee (see list below), to request their support for HB18-1004 to continue the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit.
- If your Senator is not on the Finance Committee, please ask them to share their support with Finance Committee members.
- Notify WFCO when you’ve reached out so we can follow up appropriately. Please email alisonp@wfco.org and include your name and address, name of the Senator you contacted, date and method of contact, feedback from the conversation/email exchange.
Senate Finance Committee Members:
Sen. Tim Neville, Chair, (R), SD16 – Boulder, Gilpin, Jefferson, tim.neville.senate@state.co.us, 303-866-4873
Sen. Jim Smallwood, Vice Chair, (R), SD04 – Douglas, jim.smallwood.senate@state.co.us, 303-866-4869
Sen. Lois Court, (D), SD31 – Arapahoe, Denver, lois.court.senate@state.co.us, 303-866-4861
Sen. Cheri Jahn, (I), SD20 – Jefferson, cheri.jahn.senate@state.co.us, 303-866-4856
Sen. Jack Tate, (R), SD27 – Arapahoe, jack.tate.senate@state.co.us, 303-866-4883
Guidance for Outreach to your Legislator:
When you contact your legislator (use this link to find out who that is) remember the following:
- Tell them you are a constituent; legislators pay attention to those who put – and keep – them in office.
- Communicate aspects important to you in your own words; legislators prefer not to receive standardized emails and/or calls.
- Including something specific to your district is helpful (a personal story, something you saw/heard, why this matter is especially important to you, etc.).
For a phone call:
- Introduce yourself as a constituent and include your affiliation with The Women’s Foundation of Colorado, as well as your professional affiliation or role in the community.
- Continuing the CCTC is important to us because it helps encourages contributions to child care resources throughout Colorado, which helps ensure women can work to support themselves and their families.
- If you have utilized the CCTC, be sure to tell your Senator
- Personalize the conversation by sharing how you or a woman you know have utilized child care to be able to work
- Please support HB18-1004
- (if your Senator is on the Finance Committee) by voting yes when the Senate Finance Committee considers the bill on Thursday, April 26
- (If your Senator is NOT on the Finance Committee) by encouraging your peers on the Senate Finance Committee to vote yes when they hear the bill on Thursday, April 26
For an email:
Dear Senator [Enter last name],
My name is [ENTER NAME] and I am a supporter of The Women’s Foundation of Colorado as well as a [INSERT PROFESSIONAL TITLE (optional). IE: business owner, educator etc]. I am writing you today to strongly encourage your support for continuation of the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit (CCTC), HB18-1004, which helps ensure women can work to support themselves and their families by encouraging taxpayers to invest in child care resources throughout our state.
[Let your Senator know if you have used the CCTC and/or personalize the message by telling your Senator how you or a woman you know have utilized child care to be able to work]
As one of your constituents, I ask you to please support continuing the innovative CCTC to leverage community support for essential child care resources. Please vote yes on HB18-1004 when the Senate Finance Committee considers the bill on April 26. (or Please encourage your peers on the Senate Finance Committee to vote yes on HB18-1004 when they consider the bill on April 26.)
[Your name]