In the Year of the Woman 2.0, the headlines call out how women are showing up in big ways. But haven’t we always shown up?
On National Voter Registration Day WFCO released its nonpartisan voter handbook, The Womanifesto
At 6:45 on the morning of March 15, 2018, The Women’s Foundation team met outside the golden doors of the Capitol’s visitors’ entrance. As the sun began to rise, so did our excitement.
In the 2018 legislative session, Colorado hit some high notes for women in the workplace but missed several key opportunities to foster their economic security.
The 2018 legislative session is almost over and we need you to take action to stand up for equal pay and access to affordable child care – two key barriers that hold women and their families back from being economically secure.
Access to high-quality, affordable child care is essential to economic security for Colorado women and their families. Contact your senator today to request their support for continued investment in child care in our state.
Contact your representative today if you want equal pay! Tell your representatives to support the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act.
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