Beyond Our Borders unites Colorado women to learn, connect, and invest in transformative solutions to advance global gender equity.
A third cycle of funding to women-led social ventures through our Women’s Impact Investing Giving Circle (WIIGC) concluded with two organizations receiving a total of $75,000.
SPIN, a Black women’s giving circle held at WFCO, toasts new co-leads, Shayla Richard and Tanara Landor.
Meet Nneka McPhee, Power of Extended Philanthropy (PEP) Member and Chief of Staff & Strategic Initiatives at Americans for Ben-Gurion University
Catch up on the latest from our giving circles as well as our WINcome and Women & Girls of Color Fund grantee partners.
A perspective on Black Philanthropy Month from WFCO Executive & Board Coordinator
WFCO is seeking members to participate in the third investment cycle of the Women’s Impact Investing Giving Circle.
Guest Blog: As the co-founder of SPIN and a new business owner, I understand the duality of being both a giver and receiver of philanthropy.
Three women-led social ventures will receive investment funding from WFCO’s Women’s Impact Investing Giving Circle (WIIGC) totaling $125,000.
Guest Blog: SPIN enables the charitable activities of individual African-American women to be a powerful philanthropic collective within and outside of our communities.
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