Top 3 Reasons Why You Need to Attend WFCO’s Third Annual Lobby Day
Learn why WFCO’s Third Annual Lobby Day is an opportunity you don’t want to miss
Before I started working at The Women’s Foundation of Colorado I attended the Second Annual Lobby Day in 2019, and now this year I am part of planning it. I can’t believe we are less than two weeks away from March 5!
What is Lobby Day?
Lobby Day is an opportunity for community members from across Colorado who are driven by the mission of WFCO to come together at the state’s Capitol to create change. During Lobby Day advocates will have the opportunity to network with elected officials, observe the legislative process by surveying the goings-on from the chamber balconies, attend committee hearings, potentially attend meetings with their legislators, learn from a panel of experts and elected officials, and partake in tours of the Capitol.
Keep reading to learn why you should attend WFCO’s Third Annual Lobby Day on:
- March 5, 2020 | 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (morning only or full-day option)
- At the Colorado State Capitol, Old Supreme Court Chambers, 2nd Floor, – 200 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80203.
- To register and learn more visit www.wfco.org/lobbyday
1. Connect with other civically engaged Coloradans!
People who attend WFCO’s Lobby Day come from across the state of Colorado and from a variety of backgrounds. Yet, they are all connected by a belief in furthering economic security for all Colorado women and their families. When I attended in 2019 I met several women who, despite our differences, shared my passion to create change. They inspired me with their stories. One person I met shared that she had not only recently moved to Colorado but had also recently become divorced and was returning to the workforce for the first time in a decade. She was shocked by the inequalities that persisted in the workforce and was attending, not only to meet other like-minded individuals, but to advocate for change for other women in the workforce!
2. Become more confident in the power of your influence to create change!
It can be really intimidating and difficult to figure out how to get involved in advocacy. For many of us mere mortals, myself included, the legislative process seems and feels completely inaccessible. But, what if I told you that WFCO’s Lobby Day is a perfect opportunity to learn how the legislative process works, to learn how to effectively share your story, and to begin building relationships with your community’s elected officials? And that you will come away with the knowledge and experience you need to inspire change at the state level and in your community? If you don’t believe me watch our 2019 Lobby Day video.
3. WFCO’s Lobby Day is planned with YOU in mind!
At WFCO we value community, learning, and leadership and strive to make our Lobby Day an engaging learning opportunity centering your experience. Yes, we want you to be as passionate as we are about our legislative priorities. However, we understand that to create the change we want to see in the world we need people with all types of passions at the table. So yes, at our Lobby Day we will tell you about our priorities, but most importantly we have planned a day (or morning) for you to learn transferable skills that you can take back to your communities!
To register and learn more visit www.wfco.org/lobbyday