WFCO Reproductive Health Statement
Supreme Court Hearing on Louisiana Law Could Have Long-Term Consequences for Access to Reproductive Health
Today, the Supreme Court of the United States is hearing oral arguments for June Medical Services LLC v. Russo, a case that could erode Roe v. Wade without challenging it directly.
The result potentially could limit access to the full range of reproductive health services across the country. The Women’s Foundation of Colorado is monitoring the outcome of this case because it is so closely aligned to our vision and mission. It pertains to an issue that is inextricably linked to women’s economic security and personal autonomy.
After much research, contemplation, and discussion, our diverse board and staff passed the following statement.
Our statement regarding reproductive health
The Women’s Foundation of Colorado is committed to economic security for all Colorado women and girls regardless of background or identity. Research clearly links full access to reproductive health resources to economic security.
WFCO supports access to the full range of reproductive health information, care, and justice for women statewide. We believe that women have the right to decide to have or not to have children, free from stigma.
Colorado context
Locally, The Women’s Foundation of Colorado has a history of supporting access to reproductive health resources, such as funding for long-acting reversible contraction (LARC). WFCO has also opposed several statewide measures that would limit access to the full range of reproductive health, including personhood amendments, and most recently, Initiative 120.
To learn more about the case
If you are interested in learning more about the case and its implications, read more from NPR, TIME, and CBS News.