Profile In Philanthropy: Karrie Fletcher, PEP Member
Meet Karrie Fletcher, PEP Member and President of Alpine Bank
Karrie Fletcher of Denver shares reasons for being a PEP member, her dream Annual Luncheon speaker, and what helped her believe in herself.
Tell us something not many people know about you?
My dad grew up in a family with 13 brothers and sisters and I have 52 first cousins on my dad’s side alone.
If you had a personal philanthropic mission statement or slogan, what would it say?
Be kind, be authentic and have fun!
What about our mission inspires you?
The mission of The Women’s Foundation of Colorado inspires me because it empowers and builds opportunities for women and their families that can spark a dream and set in motion a reality bigger than they could have ever thought possible on their own.
What do you believe is the most pressing issue women and families are facing in Colorado?
Child care! I have coworkers and friends who really struggle to find good, reliable child care that they feel comfortable leaving their children with. It is so expensive that often times the price and quality outweighs the desire and ability to be in the workforce.
Who is your Shero?
My Shero is definitely my momma! She was always there for me and my sister when we were growing up. She would put in long, hard, labor intensive days working for a moving company and then come home and be available and present with us when I know now that she had to be exhausted. She always had a smile on her face and would do anything for anyone. I remember my mom telling me the value of education and being insistent that I obtained a college degree so I could build the foundation to be a strong, independent woman.
When I had my daughter at the young age of 22, I had two choices, I could quit school and work full time to support her or I could not give up on myself and both work and finish my degree to build a better life for both of us. Thankfully, I decided on the latter. Working, going to school and being a first time mom was not the easiest path, but it was so worth it. It is hard to put into words how thankful I am to have always had my mom to show me and my sister what being an amazing mother, role model and human being looks like.
What is the best personal decision you’ve ever made? Why?
This would have to be marrying my husband Jason. He is extremely supportive and is always my biggest cheerleader. After our son was diagnosed with cancer, Jason took a part-time position at work to help support the needs of our family. This meant he had to take a step back in his career in order to allow me to continue to grow in mine. We all know that it is typically the woman who makes the career sacrifice. Our family dynamics are different and I would not be where I am today without his encouragement. Let’s just say, I am a pretty lucky girl because not only is he supportive, he is also handsome, funny and kind!
If you had to teach a class, what would it be?
101 ways to have fun.
What is the most pivotal moment in your career?
In 2015 I was approached by my boss who asked if I would be interested in moving to Denver to open a new Alpine Bank location in Cherry Creek. I had worked my way up through the company starting as a teller while I was attending college and eventually becoming a loan officer. My younger self would have never imagined that I would be the president of a bank leading a team. I would have never had the confidence to apply for this opportunity on my own because I didn’t believe that I was ready or qualified. I think this happens too often with women and it holds us back. It took my boss to believe in me and see my full potential before I could really see it for myself.
What would you tell your 15-year-old self?
Anything that you set your mind to is possible if you just work hard, believe in yourself and have some fun along the way.
What is your favorite activity to do in Colorado?
I love to ski, camp, boat, walk my dog, and play tennis…. pretty much any activity that allows me to be outside!
At what point in your life did your personal philanthropy become important to you?
I think it’s always been there in one form or another, but I was really introduced to philanthropy 25 years ago when I started working for Alpine Bank. I am thankful that my employer allows and encourages us to engage and volunteer in our communities.
Who would you be your dream speaker for the Annual Luncheon?
Brene Brown
What movie scene lives in your head rent free?
“Now you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was goin’ somewhere, I was runnin!” – Forrest Gump
Interested in learning more about PEP (Power of Extended Philanthropy)? Email our director of development, Maggie Stoot, at maggies@wfco.org.