Aspiring Advocates Needed: Act Today for Equal Pay
Equal Pay for Equal Work Act to Be Heard in Senate Tomorrow
WFCO’s research shows that if Colorado women had earned the same as comparable men in 2014, our state’s economy would have grown by an additional $9.2 billion. Equal pay for equal work isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.
WFCO requests that all aspiring advocates contact your state senators today to stand up for equal pay – a persistent barrier that keeps Colorado women from reaching economic security and holds our whole economy back. Encourage them to support the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act and let them know you are not okay with the current pay gap, where women, on average, earn only .86 cents on the dollar earned by men.
If you live in a Senate Finance Committee member’s district or have a relationship with a Senate Finance Committee member, please contact them today to request their support of equal pay for all Colorado women, regardless of background or identity.
Pete Lee (D), Chair El Paso County pete.lee.senate@state.co.us 303-866-6364 |
Julie Gonzales (D), Vice Chair Denver County julie.gonzales.senate@state.co.us 303-866-4862 |
John Cooke (R) Weld County john.cooke.senate@state.co.us 303-866-4451 |
Bob Gardner (R) El Paso County bob.gardner.senate@state.co.us 303-866-4880 |
Robert Rodriguez (D) Denver County robert.rodriguez.senate@state.co.us 303-866-4852 |
Senate Bill 19-85 includes two key elements: common-sense prevention and transparency measures and a Colorado solution that works for employees and employers. One feature of the bill prohibits an employer from seeking the wage rate history of a prospective employee, which mitigates the likelihood that a woman’s pay disparity will follow her to a new job. Likewise, employers also benefit because closing the pay gap is an economic opportunity for Colorado at a time where unemployment is at a historic low, and employers are fighting for talented employees.
Visit our civic engagement guide for easy directions on how to influence your senators with a quick phone call or an email today.
Please notify WFCO when you’ve reached out so we can follow up appropriately. Email alisonp@wfco.org and include your name and address, name of the person you contacted, date and method of contact, and feedback from the conversation/email exchange.