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A large group of women smiles while holding international peace flags in a snowy background

Beyond Our Borders: Colorado Women Investing in Global Gender Equity

// March 4, 2025

Members have granted nearly $1.2 million to organizations advancing global gender equity since 2000

While The Women’s Foundation of Colorado’s mission is to drive gender equity in Colorado, our impact extends globally through Beyond Our Borders (BOB), a group-advised fund and community supporting women and girls worldwide.

Since 2000, Beyond Our Border members have granted $1,175,000 to international organizations they select advancing education, economic opportunity, healthcare access, reproductive justice, political agency, climate action, and more.

A Colorado community committed to global equity

Beyond Our Borders unites Colorado women—some experienced in international philanthropy, others just beginning their journeys—to learn, connect, and invest in transformative solutions. Members pool resources, research critical issues, and forge partnerships with organizations advancing gender equality worldwide.

“My last few years being a part of Beyond Our Borders has exceeded my expectations…I have learned about incredible non-profits supporting females all around the world, while witnessing the power of women’s collective giving. The crème de la crème has been nurturing new friendships with wonderful change-makers in this giving circle.” Adrielle Knight, Beyond Our Borders vice chair and member since 2022

2025-2027 Focus Area Grants: Reproductive Health & Climate Action

MSI Reproductive Choices: Expanding Access in Tanzania

MSI is one of the world’s largest providers of reproductive health care, working in 36 countries to ensure women have control over their futures. In 2023 alone, MSI reached 23.3 million people, preventing 16.5 million unintended pregnancies, 8.9 million unsafe abortions, and 37,500 maternal deaths.

For women like Hingis, a 24-year-old student in Ghana, MSI’s services are life-changing. She said, “My proudest achievement in my life so far is being able to go to university. I have a long way ahead of me with my studies, so it’s really important that I have access to contraception, so that I don’t get pregnant right now. I don’t want to be in a situation that I didn’t choose. A girl from my area got pregnant a few years ago and it meant she couldn’t further her education because she had to take care of her child. It’s important for young people to get access to contraception. It even reduces your self-esteem if you’re not confident that you’re protected.” 

MSI’s grant will fund its rural outreach teams in Tanzania, expanding access to family planning and reproductive health care for women in underserved areas.

Population Media Center (PMC): Changing Norms Through Storytelling

In many countries, cultural stigma prevents women from accessing reproductive health care. PMC harnesses the power of research-driven storytelling—via TV and radio dramas—to shift social norms. To date, PMC has produced 60+ transmedia projects in 57 countries and 30+ languages, each reaching an average of 1.5 million people. PMC’s grant will fund Dandalin Iyali (Family Forum), a 72-episode radio drama airing in Niger—one of the lowest-ranked countries in gender equity and human development. The show will be broadcast on 172 radio stations, with 35 stations also hosting live call-in shows where experts answer listeners’ questions about reproductive health, gender equality, and family planning.

Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement (JVE-Niger): Integrating Family Planning into Climate Resilience

In the Sahel region of northern Africa, climate change and rapid population growth threaten food security and economic stability. By 2050, the population is expected to grow 2.5 times, reaching 450 million. JVE Niger, in partnership with Oasis (Organizing to Advance Solutions in the Sahel), advocates for integrating reproductive health into climate adaptation strategies.

JVE’s grant will fund its work with the Niger Ministry of Health to ensure family planning is part of the country’s National Adaptation Plan on Climate. Access to contraception is a powerful climate solution, easing resource strain while enabling women to make informed choices about their futures.

2025-2028 General Grants: Expanding Women’s Prosperity

Additionally, Beyond Our Borders supports three other organizations tackling diverse challenges for women and girls:

  • SHero Thailand combats gender-based violence through legal aid, policy advocacy, and education. Its 2025 grant will expand free legal support and workshops for young women.
  • Beirut and Beyond supports Palestinian refugee communities. One initiative, Simsim Kitchen in Lebanon, provides refugee women with income opportunities through cooking experiences. Its 2025-2026 grant will fund kitchen upgrades and a cookbook project, helping women expand into catering while sharing their cultural heritage.
  • Women First International Fund invests in grassroots efforts led by women and girls. Its 2025-2028 grant will support formerly incarcerated and LGBTQ+ women in East Africa—providing skill-building, advocacy, and solidarity against stigma and criminalization.

Expand your impact on global gender equity with Beyond our Borders

Want to support women and girls globally? This International Women’s Day, consider donating or joining Beyond our Borders! Membership offers social events, educational opportunities, and hands-on trust-based philanthropy—building a network of value-aligned women committed to driving change. 

About Erinn Wright O’Donnell

Erinn (she/her) is passionate about inspiring people and organizations to build thoughtful, effective philanthropic legacies, and is deeply committed to global development initiatives. Erinn works as a strategic partnerships manager for the microfinance nonprofit Kiva, working to secure cross-sector partnerships to power more people with financial access. She previously served as director of development for the international clean water nonprofit, Well Aware, where she led fundraising and marketing programs. Erinn has been a member of Beyond Our Borders for one year. Connect with Erinn on LinkedIn

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