Your Community. Your Philanthropy. Your Impact.
We Survey the Road Ahead with Confidence and Excitement
2018 Was Year of The Woman; In No State Was This Truer Than Colorado
Dear supporters,
As leaders of the only statewide community foundation focused on the advancement of Colorado’s women and their families, we look in the rearview mirror at 2018-19 with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment.
2018 was deemed “year of the woman” nationally, and in no state is this truer than in Colorado: Women’s leadership soared in office, higher education, and philanthropy while critical policy wins in early 2019 generated unprecedented economic opportunity for all women in our state.
With this momentum behind us and your community, philanthropy, and impact supporting us – we survey the road ahead with confidence and excitement.
In Fiscal Year 2018-19 (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019), your support helped us expand the number of communities we work with and strengthen the communities we’ve built. Several new communities of giving joined The Foundation, we participated in or hosted a record number of community events, we expanded our own staff to increase our statewide presence, new committees helped to guide our work, and smart collaborations enhanced our work and the efforts of our sector.
Overall, only 1.6 percent of all charitable contributions in the U.S. fund women’s and girl’s initiatives. Our donors know women deserve more and are changing that through their generous philanthropy. Unprecedented investments from diverse foundations, institutions, and individuals demonstrate a widespread belief in The Women’s Foundation as an anchor institution in our state. We broadened our menu of giving options and our leadership in gender-lens investing allows donors to be philanthropic in ways that are meaningful and significant to you.
Nationally, and in Colorado, real, tangible advancement for women happened. Your support powered WFCO’s research and public policy advocacy work, which impacted all 2.8 million women and girls in Colorado. In 2019, with critical support from WFCO, Colorado passed one of the most comprehensive equal pay protections in the country, setting up women to start from an equal place and not from behind. While we worked to remove systemic barriers to advancement, we also generated economic opportunity for more than 400 women and their families through the work of our 23 grantee partners.
We know that so many share our belief that one of the greatest investments one can make in our community is in the women who live here because women give back to their communities every day. With your continued support, there’s no reason we can’t make every year the “year of the woman.”
Read the full 2018-2019 Annual Report.